reply to classmate 25

Classmate 1: Merllin

Research design is often the process one might use in order to answer a research question. Research method refers to a strategy that is used to make that process work. For example, if a person wanted to answer their research question, they may consider using a descriptive, correlational, experimental, review or meta-analytical design in order to obtain the information they want (Watson, 2018). For a descriptive design, a person might create a case-study, use naturalistic observation or survey’s in order to obtain the information they are looking for. A meta-analysis can be used as a statistical tool to filter results from many different scientific studies to create a better picture of their research (McKechnie & Fisher, 2019).

Research methods are equally valuable in order to make these designs work. Some of the most common forms of research methods include survey’s and experiments. When choosing research methods, it is important to consider the amount of detail one is looking to find, as well as the amount of time they must find their research. Survey’s are good at collecting data in a timely manner but can certainly lack in terms of depth and descriptiveness. They can also draw out information from a larger population than other methods with far less time being consumed. Experimentation on the other hand is a much slower process for collecting research data that can be painstaking if done the right way. However, experimentation can also lead to better research with much more depth than survey’s can ever obtain.

McKechnie, D., & Fisher, M. J. (2019). Considerations when choosing a statistical method for data analysis. Journal of the Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses’ Association (JARNA), 22(3), 20–29.…

Classmate 2: Josalin

The difference between Research Methods and Research Design is that Research Methods is the strategy used in order to have information for the research question. Research design are ideas and ways derived in gathering data to conduct a research. the descriptions I will provide of as two examples of research methods are surveying method and interviewing people to gather the right and vital data for the research. Two examples research designs are experimental, which explained the way the research was conducted. Another example is review, this includes literature review and the systemic review., which could be qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative represents the figures and statistics that are evaluated for the purpose of the research, while qualitative is the evaluation of the people’s different mannerism and cultural backgrounds.The process of choosing a appropriate research method and research design is that, it allows researchers to collect all the necessary data and perform a detailed research.


Mack.N.( Feb.2019) Qualitative research methods.A.Data collector’s field guide Retrieved from

McCombes, S., ( Jan, 2020) How to create a research design retrieved from

Class mate 3: Mpheraing

Patient flow is in essential part of keeping the doors of a hospital or practice open. Due to it being so essential, I think it is important that there is a close relationship between the operational and clinical staff. The operating staff can schedule 60 patients for today, but if they don’t work with the clinical staff to see if it is manageable it can create a backlash. In 2017, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement stated that ” Failing to achieve hospital- wide patient flow- the right time- puts patients at risk for sub optimal care and potential harm”. It will also increase the burden on the clinicians and hospital staff. If the clinicians are rushing to see multiple patients at one time, the level of care will go down, the wait time in between patients will increase, and the patients will feel as if they are not being heard. If the clinicians and operating staff are working together, they can set up a schedule that will insure a good patient flow, to where everyone is feeling comfortable and not over extended while insuring that everyone is getting the best care and that the practice or hospital can still be in a good financial standing.

If the hospital or practice needs to work on improving patient flow there are at least 5 ways they can do that. Melinda Noonan, a director of nursing operations at Rush University discussed a few different techniques that could help improve patient flow. They are: Ask every department to participate in promoting efficiency, Use data to predict patterns, Pay attention to rapidly growing specialties, Set internal benchmarks based on “painful” months, and lastly by examining the biggest portals of entry to your hospital. By following these measures it can help in understanding where the biggest areas of foot traffic are within your hospital and practice, and this will in turn help with staffing and understanding which areas or times may need more staff then others.

Noonan, M. (2011, March 30). 5 Strategies to Improve Patient Flow in a Busy Hosptial.Retrieved from Beckers Hosptial Review:…

Rutherford P. A., Provost L. P., Kotagal U. R., Luther K., and Anderson A. Achieving Hospital-wide Patient Flow. IHI White Paper. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Institute for Healthcare Improvement; 2017: page 5. (Available at

Classmate 4: Joshepine

Do you want your hospital to practice evidenced-based medicine on you? Why or Why not?

Evidence-based practice is combining the best evidence available from research and clinical expertise which is then used to treat patients

Without incorporating the most current, up-to-date evidence, health care quickly becomes outdated. Conversely, without clinical expertise, clinicians may be driven by research evidence when it is not appropriate for or applicable to an individual patient. The objective of EBP is to offer transparency and also assure consumers that the procedures and techniques used offer the best treatments or interventions.

The view of Evidence Base Practice, however, is limited and confines it to a purely biomedical approach that does not readily or explicitly incorporate the patient’s perspective. EBP can also diminish treatments and discussions when the patient is not actively engaging in the process. The evidence must be applied to individual patient for a patient centered experience which will include the patient engaging in his/her care. It is more so the scientific research and evidences rather than the patients experience. I rather not allow my hospital to practice EBP on me.

Siminoff, L. A. (2013). Incorporating patient and family preferences into evidence-based medicine. Retrieved from

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