assignment 2284

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Cover Page

The cover page should be well presented, business-like, neat and professional. It should have the following information:

§Heading (name of the university and address)

§Course name

§Course code

§Student name and number

§Date of submission

Table of contents

Table of contents page should be clear and detailed, properly sequenced and numbered. Also include details of appendix.

Executive Summary

It should contain the brief background of the Assignment, the purpose, findings and conclusion. It should not be more than one (1) page.

Introduction and Background Information

The introduction should be concise and interesting, covering following points:

§Description of business ethics and the CSR and its importance to the business organisation.

§Background of a chosen local company.

§Background of chosen international company

Literature review

It should include a literature review about:

Business ethics


Different parameters found in the 10 commandments of social responsibility

Critical evaluation of the literature review

Discussion, evaluation and benchmarking

It should include the following:

1.Identify and explain five (5) CSR initiatives of the chosen local corporation.

2.Evaluate the five (5) CSR initiatives that your chosen corporation has undertaken using parameters discussed in Chapter 3 particularly The Ten Commandments of Social Responsibility. Provide a detailed evaluation of each initiative including their positive and the negative points.

3.Benchmark the local corporation with the similar line of business located internationally using parameters discussed in Chapter 3 particularly The Ten Commandments of Social Responsibility.

4.Identify and explain five (5) CSR initiatives of an international corporation.

5.Evaluate the five (5) CSR initiatives that your chosen international corporation has undertaken and make a judgment of the initiatives that your chosen corporation, both local and international has undertaken. Compare them with the local corporation’s initiatives. Provide a detailed evaluation of each initiative including their positive and the negative points.

Note: Include photos for the initiatives taken and the table for ranking of the initiatives in relation to the 10 commandments of social responsibility.


Students are expected to restate the report and relate to its purpose and summarise the key points.


Students are expected to suggest or recommend a CSR initiative to the chosen local corporation with justification.


It should include:

References (minimum 5)

Plagiarism report.

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