Writing Requirements
This assignment is the first of four steps in completing the business memorandum. This assignment will require you to:
- Solve a statistics problem – you will solve the statistics problem and include it in this assignment (in the appendix.) – You will use the calculations you complete to inform the recommendation you make for this problem.
- Answer the problem questions included in the assignment template -through doing this you will articulate an understanding of the problem and what you are being asked to do with that problem, the value of the statistical calculation to addressing the problem, and who the audience you are asked to address is and how their role and status will influence what and how you write your memorandum.
- Complete a draft of the memorandum – through doing this you will demonstrate an ability to understand and explain a statistical problem in language appropriate to the professional status and background of the audience you are addressing
To complete this assignment you will use:
- The Business Memorandum Template
– open this template and complete the assignment in it
- The Business Memorandum Guide –
this will provide guidance on the content of the memorandum
- The problem description below – this is the statistical problem you will address.
You may also reference the Business Memorandum example to see what the completed assignment will look like.
What will you be graded on?
This assignment will be graded on completeness ONLY. However, it is the document on which you will get feedback from your classmates, so you should produce your best work, in order to get the best possible feedback. Be sure to look at the assignment rubric to assure that you have completed the required elements prior to turning in the assignment.
Problem Description
In this section, you will find a description of the problem, requested recommendation and audience for the final memorandum for this assignment.
Problem description:
You are a line manager in Super Car Part’s Eversville manufacturing facility. The company produces automotive parts, and you have responsibility for the line producing steel shafts for the gearbox manufactured in the Eversville Plant. The acceptable dimension of the shaft is 2.5±0.05 inches in diameter with the most desirable product having a diameter of exactly 2.5 inches. The current equipment is approaching the end of its useful life and needs to be replaced. Two vendors are trying to sell your company, Super Car Parts Incorporated, their machines for the shaft-machining task. You have been asked to assess the machines from each vendor, and to make a recommendation for a machine vendor supported by a justification for your decision.
You asked both vendors to supply data on the machining accuracy of their machines for the given task. Both vendors machined 100 shafts, collected data, plotted histograms, fitted the histograms with normal distributions and supplied you with their findings.
Let X= diameter in inches of the gearbox shaft
Aballo Machines Inc.: X has a normal distribution with a mean of 2.49 and a standard deviation of 0.030
Lu Equipment Corp.: X has a normal distribution with a mean of 2.53 and a standard deviation of 0.015
Audience: You are creating this document for the company’s Chief Operating Officer (Links to an external site.), Lenore Georges, and copying the Chief Financial Officer, (Links to an external site.) Anahita Kourosh. Documents involved in major financial decisions like this may also be distributed by the addressees to other executives and the corporate board members.
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