a) In previous chapters, you developed classes that work with catering event information for Carly’s Catering. Now modify the Event and EventDemo classes as follows:
- Modify the Event class to include an integer field that holds an event type. Add a final String array that holds names of the types of events that Carly’s caters—wedding, baptism, birthday, corporate, and other. Include get and set methods for the integer event type field. If the argument passed to the method that sets the event type is larger than the size of the array of String event types, then set the integer to the element number occupied by other. Include a get method that returns an event’s String event type based on the numeric event type.
- To keep the EventDemo class simple, remove all the statements that compare event sizes and that display the invitation Strings.
- Modify the EventDemo class so that instead of creating three single Event objects, it uses an array of three Event objects. Get data for each of the objects, and then display all the details for each object.
Save the files as Event.java and EventDemo.java.
B) In previous chapters, you developed classes that hold rental contract information for Sammy’s Seashore Supplies. Now modify the Rental and RentalDemo classes as follows:
- Modify the Rental class to include an integer field that holds an equipment type. Add a final String array that holds names of the types of equipment that Sammy’s rents—personal watercraft, pontoon boat, rowboat, canoe, kayak, beach chair, umbrella, and other. Include get and set methods for the integer equipment type field. If the argument passed to the method that sets the equipment type is larger than the size of the array of String equipment types, then set the integer to the element number occupied by other. Include a get method that returns a rental’s String equipment type based on the numeric equipment type.
- To keep the RentalDemo class simple, remove all the statements that compare rental times and that display the coupon Strings.
- Modify the RentalDemo class so that instead of creating three single Rental objects, it uses an array of three Rental objects. Get data for each of the objects, and then display all the details for each object.
Save the files as Rental.java and RentalDemo.java.
Create a zip file of the .java file(s) and submit the assignment.