learning portfolio 7

Your learning portfolio must include two parts. The first part will be an informal piece of writing in which you will reflect on the work you have done in this class, the things that you have learned, and the changes in your thinking that has occurred over the course. The second part must be material from the class (notes, assignments, reflections, whatever) that help illustrate these changes (think of the second part of the learning portfolio as evidence that helps support or illustrate how your thinking as changed). You are free to reflect on whatever you like, as long as it demonstrates the intellectual journey you have taken in this class. If you are having difficulty starting, consider some of the following prompts (these questions are guides—it is likely that you will find some of these questions more useful or engaging than others—and no one should be answering all of them):

1.Look at what you have produced (in this class as well as in others). Do you still feel the same way about the material now as you did when you started? Why or why not?

2.Did you overcome any fear or anxiety about the material or the course?

3.Have your attitudes toward any particular component in the course changed? What is different and why? If nothing has changed, why is that the case?

4.If you could give yourself advice at the beginning of the term, what advice would you give yourself?

5.Do you feel like you’ve developed any particular skills? Why or why not?

6.Were there areas where you did not meet either my expectations or your own expectations? Why or why not?

7.Do you still need to learn more about something? What is it? How can you go about doing this?

I want to encourage you not to write what you think I want to hear. You will not do well if you do not actually reflect on your particular intellectual journey in this course. This means that your reflection must fit only the material in your learning portfolio; if I am able to apply your generic statements to someone else’s portfolio, then you haven’t done your job. To this end, you must be specific in your reflection by pointing to particular issues and ideas or experiences, as evidenced in your assignments or class discussions, so that I can see what you are reflecting on.

Comfort Zone

You are not required to divulge anything that you do not wish to share with me. The objective is not to weird you out; the objective is to get you to think about how you have progressed in this class.

To Submit

1. An informal personal reflection of 2000 words. As a personal reflection of your intellectual journey, I expect that you will use the word “I”—you can’t reflect on something without using this word. You must, however, use full sentences and well-rounded paragraphs. Informal does not mean sloppy or without form.
2. All the material from class that provides evidence of the change you document in the informal reflection. This material must be organized in a meaningful way and be legible in order for you to receive a grade. This does not mean that you have to type things that you wrote down by hand—it just means that things have to be neat and organized. If I can’t find an example or observation or note that you are referring to, then I can’t assess your discussion. To this end, I recommend that you use dividers and a table of contents to help keep material organized in meaningful sections.

I am going to attach notes took from class and reading we were provided to read in class for you to add. and also i will provide the class syllabus to see the structure of the course

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