
In Problem S1-26 Federated Electronics, Ltd. has hired a Washington, D.C.-based global trade research firm to assess the probabilities of each combination of port and government conditions for the five ports. The research firm probability estimates for the five ports are as follows:

In Problem S1-26 Federated Electronics, Ltd. has hired a Washington, D.C.-based global trade...-1

(a) Using expected value, determine the best port to construct the distribution center.

(b) Using any decision criteria, determine the port you think would be the best location for the distribution center, and justify your answer.

Problem S1-26

Federated Electronics, Ltd., manufactures display screens and monitors for computers and televisions, which it sells to companies around the world. It wants to construct a new warehouse and distribution center in Asia to serve emerging markets there. It has identified potential sites in the port cities of Shanghai, Singapore, Pusan, Kaohsiung, and Hong Kong and has estimated the possible revenues for each (minus construction costs which are higher in some cities like Hong Kong). At each site the projected revenues are primarily based on these factors, (1) the economic conditions at the port including the projected traffic, infrastructure, labor rates and availability; and expansion and modernization; and (2) the future government situation which includes the political stability, fees, tariffs, duties, and trade regulations. Following is a payoff table that shows the projected revenues (in $ billions) for six years given the four possible combinations for positive and negative port and government conditions:

In Problem S1-26 Federated Electronics, Ltd. has hired a Washington, D.C.-based global trade...-2

Determine the port city Federated should select for its new distribution center using the following decision criteria:

a. Maximax

b. Maximin

c. Equal likelihood

d. Hurwicz (In Problem S1-26 Federated Electronics, Ltd. has hired a Washington, D.C.-based global trade...-3)

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