The project examined in this case study is based in a sea port in Chile of about 130,000 people. Fishing has always been the mainstay of the town’s and the region’s economy. Men used to catch and dive for seafood, while women’s tasks included selling the fish and mending the nets. Now, fishing is mainly controlled by multinational corporations (MNCs) with huge shipping vessels and factory ships, and fish stocks are being culled at unstainable rates. Although trade union activities used to be relatively high in the region, the fact that MNCs only tend to employ people unaffiliated to a union has caused the numbers to drop radically.
There are few independent fishermen or fish sellers left, resulting in rising unemployment among men and an associated rise in alcoholism. Women tend to work in the local factories, under very poor conditions and at poor rates of pay, or in domestic service.
Several programmes were designed to assist the community, one of which is a woman’s programme, aiming to mobilize women and support their self-empowerment. At first, its main activities were education on issues such as health, rights, organization and leadership. After some time, the women asked the project to begin supporting productive activities. The project now supports women’s groups working in low-cost greenhouses and handicrafts, among other such activities.
- State the most suitable gender analytical tool you can use to conduct the analysis
- Explain why this analytical tool was chosen
- Discuss three gender issues highlighted or implied in the case
- Discuss a possible intervention strategy for any two of the gender issues identified in the case study
- Describe the strategy
- Explain the issue it is most likely to address
Brief justification on why addressing such an issue is important