

This exercise is designed so each patient can have multiple doctors, and multiple bills. The details are listed below:

  1. Design the class doctorType, inherited from the class personType, given below. Add a data member to store the doctors specialty. Also add appropriate constructors and member functions to initialize, access, and manipulate the data members.
    #pragma once


using namespace std;

class personType



void print() const;

//Function to output the first name and last name

//in the form firstName lastName.

void setName(string first, string last);

//Function to set firstName and lastName according

//to the parameters.

//Postcondition: firstName = first; lastName = last

string getFirstName() const;

//Function to return the first name.

//Postcondition: The value of the data member firstName

// is returned.

string getLastName() const;

//Function to return the last name.

//Postcondition: The value of the data member lastName

// is returned.

personType(string first = “”, string last = “”);


//Sets firstName and lastName according to the parameters.

//The default values of the parameters are empty strings.

//Postcondition: firstName = first; lastName = last


string firstName; //variable to store the first name

string lastName; //variable to store the last name


void personType::print() const


cout << firstName << ” ” << lastName;


void personType::setName(string first, string last)


firstName = first;

lastName = last;


string personType::getFirstName() const


return firstName;


string personType::getLastName() const


return lastName;



personType::personType(string first, string last)


firstName = first;

lastName = last;


  1. Designed the class billType with data members to store a patients ID and a patient’s hospital charges, such as pharmacy charges for medicine, Doctors fee, and room charges. Add appropriate constructors and member functions to initialize, access, and manipulate the data members.
  2. Design the class patientType, inherited from the class personType, with additional data members to store the patients ID, the age, date of birth, attending Physicians name, the date when the patient was admitted in the hospital, and the date when the patient was discharged from the hospital. (use the class dateType to store the date of birth, admit date, discharge date, and the class doctorType to store to be attending Physicians name.) Add appropriate constructors and member functions to initialize, access, and manipulate the data members.
  3. Write a program to test your classes. You can check your class definitions by using L1-2CmplTest.cpp found in the L1-2 folder

Class members

doctorType Class must contain at least these functions

doctorType(string first, string last, string spl); //First Name, Last Name, Specialty

void print() const; //Formatted Display First Name, Last Name, Specialty

void setSpeciality(string); //Set the doctor’s Specialty

string getSpeciality(); //Return the doctor’s Specialty

patientType Class must contain at least these functions

void setInfo(

string id, string fName, string lName,

int bDay, int bMth, int bYear,

string docFrName, string docLaName, string docSpl,

int admDay, int admMth, int admYear,

int disChDay, int disChMth, int disChYear);

void setID(string);

string getID();

void setBirthDate(int dy, int mo, int yr);

int getBirthDay();

int getBirthMonth();

int getBirthYear();

void setDoctorName(string fName, string lName);

void setDoctorSpl(string);

string getDoctorFName();

string getDoctorLName();

string getDoctorSpl();

void setAdmDate(int dy, int mo, int yr);

int getAdmDay();

int getAdmMonth();

int getAdmYear();

void setDisDate(int dy, int mo, int yr);

int getDisDay();

int getDisMonth();

int getDisYear();

billType Class must contain at least these functions

billType(string id = “”, //Patient ID
double phCharges = 0, //Pharmacy Charges
double rRent = 0, //Room rental
double docFee = 0); //Doctor Fees

void printBill() const;

void setInfo(string, //Patient ID
double, //Pharmacy Charges
double, //Room rental
double); //Doctor Fees

void setID(string);

string getID();

void setPharmacyCharges(double);

double getPharmacyCharges();

void updatePharmacyCharges(double);

void setRoomRent(double);

double getRoomRent();

void updateRoomRent(double);

void setDoctorFee(double);

double getDoctorFee();

void updateDoctorFee(double);

double billingAmount();

The instructors test program will construct arrays of 10 doctorType, 10 patientType and 20 billType instances and from this data will produce the report shown on the next page. All patients will have 1 or more billings. Make sure you validate your three classes against all the functions shown above. The instructor output will be billings by patient and will provide summary data similar to the screen shot on the next page. If you need help with using this for your testing contact the instructor.


Enter patient’s ID: 123456

Enter patient’s first name: Joe

Enter patient’s last name: Blowinski

Enter doctor’s first name: Rob

Enter doctor’s last name: Ublind

Enter doctor’s speciality: Psychiatry

Patient: Joe Blowinski

Attending Physician: Rob Ublind Psychiatry

Admit Date: 4-15-2009

Discharge Date: 4-21-2009

Pharmacy Charges: $245.50

Room Charges: $2500.00

Doctor’s Fees: $3500.38


Total Charges: $6245.88

Press any key to continue . . .

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