The production benchmarks on p. 6 of each issue of the Footwear Industry Report Cooyright © by Go-Bus Sowwe, Inc. Copying, distributing, or ard party website posting the prestly prohibind and constitutes copyright violation are especially helpful to company managers in determining whether their company is overspending on fringe benefits paid to production workers. are especially helpful to company managers in determining whether they need to spend more/less on enhanced styling/features at each of the company’s production facilities. o provide valuable feedback to company managers regarding whether the prices being charged for the company’s branded footwear are too high or too low. provide valuable feedback to company managers regarding the efficiency with they are managing production labor costs, reject rates, and branded manufacturing costs per pair produced at each of their company’s production facilities. are primarily useful to managers in determining whether their company’s total production costs are low enough to enable the company to be profitable if the average wholesale price charged to footwear retailers is equal to the prior-year regional average wholesale price. Copying, redistributing, or website posting is expressly prohibited and constitutes copyright violation Version 1687763 *** Copyright © 2021 by Glo-Bus Software, Inc.