Part 1
Read the attached “Financial Literacy and College” and finished the attached “worksheet”.
Part 2
Watch the following video and read the following articles about finances and student debt. Then answer the questions below.
Millennials Living with their Parents (
California Student Loan Debt in Better Shape Than Nation (
7 Surprising Ways to Minimixe Student Debt (
These 10 Colleges in California Leave Graduates With the Least Student Loan Debt (
Questions: (250 words minimum)
- What worries you about life after college/graduation in relation to supporting yourself and/or a family?
- Do you worry that you will not be able to afford living in the area you would like to?
- What are your thoughts about student debt and the cost of education?
- What steps have you taken to control your student debt?
- What steps can you take to minimize the about of student debt you take on?